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Our Inclusive Tours

Historical Tours

History, everywhere, is a rich blend of legend, mythology, recorded fact, and living tradition, and the history of the “Land of Aryans” is no exception.

The first unified dynasty in Iran was ruled by “the Persian Empire” for more than two hundred years. Since then, several dynasties have risen in various parts of this land at different times, each leaving its impression on the subsequent development of Iranian history.

Iran has seen the flow of many migrations and the development of many cultures, all of which have added distinctive features to Persian art and architectural styles.

Architecture is the field in which Persia has made the most contribution to world culture. Artifacts manifest the rich and striking examples of “material culture” in the land of the Aryans.

The Persians have proved to be the undisputed masters of carpet weaving and nomads were the first to cover the floor of their tents with these floor coverings.

The distinct tribes and ethnicities such as Gilak and Mazanis, Qashqai, Turkmans, Baluchi, Shahsavan, Bakhtiari, Kurds, and Arabs each with their lifestyle, customs, and customs have been living in this land.

With such kind of rich heritage, “New Horizon” takes you to history to get to know the different aspects of Persian culture.

Our historical-cultural tours focus on:

Eco - Cultural Tours

The natural environment impacts on beliefs and lifestyle of Persians. The literature, art, and architecture of Persian manifest their love and passion for nature. Folklore music is evidencing the role of the environment on them. Each region of Iran has its exceptional music and selects its instruments based on its initial environment. But what is the nature of Iran?

The Iranian plateau is bounded by high mountains and deserts. It borders the Caspian Sea to the north and the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman to the South. Along the Caspian is a land of lush forested hills and flat stretches of rice paddies.

The Alborz Mountain range which curves along the southern shore of the Caspian Sea form a climatic barrier resulting in a good deal of snow and rain in the fertile region of the northern side. Notwithstanding such varied scenery as pastures, natural forests, and orchard country, the overwhelming impression south of Alborz is of immense plains interrupted by barren hills and mountains, more fertile in the west, desert in the east.

The Zagros range, stretching from Kurdistan in the northwest to the coastal range of Baluchistan in the southeast has a semi-humid forest, dominated by oak, pistachio, and walnut trees. Along this range, distinct tribes with their own culture and architecture live.

The Lut Desert in the southeast presents some of the most spectacular landforms and contains extensive stony deserts and dune fields. Considering the vast geography and four-season climate of Iran,” New Horizon” provides different tours covering the nature and culture of different parts of the country from the sea and the forests in the north to the desert in the center and seas in the south.

Our eco-cultural tours focus on:

–      Lut Desert area in the central part

–      Hyrcanian, Zagros & Arasbaran forests in the north, west, and northwest.

–      Caspian Sea in the north and the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea in the south

–      Rural areas from different geographical parts of Iran

Special Interest Tours

The land of Aryans is the land of contrast and variety. The diverse and scenic nature of Iran during all seasons provides many different opportunities for those traveling for special interests.

Iran is a great trekking destination. Depending on what kind of nature you like, hiking and trekking into the northern forest, the western greenery mountainous part, and the central desert will be delightful.

Skiing in icy mountains and diving in the depth of the Persian Gulf Islands are the special chances that rare destinations can offer you simultaneously in one season.

The Persia land is the home of thousands of plant species. Iran with its remarkable floristic biodiversity is the best place for botanizing ancient broad-leaved Hyrcanian forests in the north, rare endemic plant species in the northwest, sprawling oak forests in the west, and Avicenna marina (mangrove) forests in the southern coast.

Beyond its biodiversity and picturesque nature, Iran has many unique geomorphological landscapes specific to different environments of ancient and present times some of which are often referred to on a global scale as landforms. Geologizing this land can be your special interest in traveling to Iran.

Having such a distinguished nature, not surprising that Iran can be a rich destination for bird watching. Special and unique species of residing or migrating birds are seen in wetlands and ecosystems across the country from the north to the south.

Our Special Interest Tours focus on:

  • Trekking
  • Skiing
  • Diving
  • Botanizing
  • Geologizing
  • Bird-watching